Why am I here?

Hello blogging world!

I guess I’ll just use this first post to introduce myself and explain why I am even on here.  I am a student at TCU and have been advised to create a blog.  Now, don’t take that like it sounds, I was not forced to do this. No one put a gun to my head, and no professor asked me to start one  for a class. This certainly is not the cool thing kids are doing right now. I wanted to do this because I want to write to an audience. I was once the type of person who never cared for writing unless it was something I wanted to write about, but I was always too embarrassed to show my creative writing. I was the shy kid in the back of the bus who never spoke, but had a best friend who would never shut up. After all those years of silence, I’m coming out. Not of the closet. I like men, thanks. I like men a lot.  TCU has changed me though. Change is not the best word choice, I guess it made me become more of myself and who I wish to become. As I inch closer to the real world, I’ve decided I have to give it my all. So whether you like it or not, I’m finally opening up and sharing my wit and sarcasm to the world.

Before entering the blogging world, I asked myself several questions as to why I wanted to even publish some of my stories or advice on here.  For now this is just a place for me to write. Twitter contains me to 140 words, and let’s be honest no one cares enough to read your face book statuses.

For the most part, I want to establish a brand. I want my future employers to see the potential I have and even more what I could be capable of. I’m not looking to become the next Carrie Bradshaw. I’m looking just looking to create something I can take ownership of, or to call mine. I just want to know that I have done all that I possibly can to be myself.

Many of the postings on here  will pertain to my life experiences, beliefs and values. One thing is for sure, I will always be myself.