Hey. It’s me again.

Okay, so it’s been a while, but finding time to write is easier said than done. You have to get a feeling to write, it’s one of those love/hate relationships. My life is getting interesting again and so I’ve decided to pickup from where I left off.

Somewhere in between Christmas and Colorado I decided not to apply to law school for next year.

While I Colorado I developed some sort of Rocky Mountain high or euphoria, realizing that my life has not been yet lived. That’s pretty deep and awesome, I know. I decided that I did not want to spend my next 3-4 years studying my ass off only to be where I am now, searching for my life-long passion. I want to start working for a company. I want to travel. I want to move out of my parent’s house. There are too many things I want to do right now; that I would not be able to fulfill should I attend law school.

Don’t get me wrong, law school is great and everything, but it’s just not great for me.

I want to move to Austin. I want to be able to hike or do any physical activity outside whenever. I want to learn a new city. 

  Is this blog getting too boring? Yes.

I’m just writing this to hopefully inspire other 20-year-old somethings. Do NOT be afraid to fail. Failure is inevitable and apart of human nature. If you have never failed, you have never really fucking lived. It’s through failure that we realize which dreams to let go and which dreams to keep striving for.

I’d also like to take time to say that those people who have known your whole life what you want to do for a living and have your whole life planned out, you’re fucking kidding yourselves. There are too many variables that can change. I’m not saying you won’t be president one day, not by any means trying to crush your dreams, just saying that life changes. Sometimes you need to roll with the punches. Wow. Did I just use another cliché? My journalism professor would want to cut off my hands so I will never be able to type or write another cliché.

I always hated those people who knew what they wanted to earn his or her degree in college. Probably because I have never known what the hell I wanted to do with my life. It  used to stress me out to the point where I would spend nights crying myself to sleep for not knowing. I mean, I’m like a serious planner/organizer. Ever since I was young, I had expectations and plans that I would attend college. I had my whole life until graduation planned out. So, imagine how crazy I was when I ran out of plans. Believe me, I was psycho.

Then I realized, IT’S NOT A BIG FUCKING DEAL. So I stopped crying and starting embracing life as it came. I became content. I became happy. I’m only 22. I still have 10 years before I need to start seriously worrying. Okay, maybe more like 2-3 years.  Anyway, the point is at some time in your life you are going to figure it out. Trust me on this one. 

Whatever you end up doing, do it wholeheartedly.  


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